This month, our firm’s blog posts have examined the insurance industry’s odious lobby campaign to have serious injuries including concussions, PTSD and chronic pain labelled “minor” and subjected to the auto insurance compensation cap. Today’s post features Clare, a public relations specialist and longtime Albertan (whose husband just won re-election to Parliament -- congrats, Kerry!)
Clare: “A little over a year ago in Edmonton, I was stopped in traffic when my vehicle was rear-ended by a minivan traveling at high speed. No broken bones thankfully, but the collision left me with a concussion (mild traumatic brain injury) as well as soft tissue whiplash-type injuries. As a result, I was unable to work for months. Normally healthy and active, I find myself still recovering. Despite timely and comprehensive treatment including medication, therapy and home exercise, my acute neck and back injuries unfortunately have evolved into chronic pain. My ongoing post-concussive symptoms include sleep disturbance, persistent headaches, concentration and memory issues and post-traumatic stress disorder. Chronic pain and brain injuries are not minor matters; they effect one’s ability to function, enjoy and contribute fully in every area of life. To suggest that serious injuries such as mine be categorized as ‘minor’, and that compensation for my injuries from the careless driver’s insurer be artificially capped at a tiny fraction of fair value, is ill-informed and reprehensible.” For over 30 years dating back to his time as a U of A law student, Mark McCourt has provided much sought-after advice on human rights matters to both Alberta MLAs and federal MPs, sacrificing hundreds of hours of his valuable time as a vocal and eloquent human rights advocate, at both the federal and provincial government levels. Mr. McCourt’s common sense advice to UCP MLAs: “Enact legislation and regulations that protect and support, rather than hurt and revictimize, good people like Clare. You can call that the ‘Clare’s Law’ Principle!” For nearly a quarter of a century, the experienced legal counsel at McCourt Law Offices have stood up for innocent injured Albertans such as Clare, against powerful and amply financed opponents. It’s a job we’re proud to do, so if you have been victimized by the negligence of an impaired and/or reckless driver, please don’t hesitate to give us a call.